A 5-year Federal Government study stated that the 2 safest and most effective methods for low back pain were Chiropractic adjustments and Exercise.
The truth is, Chiropractic is one of the safest, most effective, conservative, drug-free, non-surgical methods of health care. Its emphasis on wellness is a new model of health care which will be the model for the New Century.
“Can I have Chiropractic care while I am pregnant?”
–Yes! Pregnant women often find Chiropractic adjustments improve lower back pain, increase ligament support and lessens the complications of delivery.
“Why does my spine have a curve?”
-Your low back (Lumber Spine) curves forward in a flexible “C” with a stable curve (sacral and coccygeal spine) in the opposite direction. Your low back must support your upper body, so it is under the most stress.[/toggle]
“When the pain goes away does that mean I am healed?”
–When your symptoms cease; that’s when 75% of the healing can take place. This is called the “Correction Phase.”
“Should my child have Chiropractic care?”]
–Yes! A Chiropractic examination can detect scoliotic tendencies as early as kindergarten, whereas medical analysis at the onset of puberty is inadequate to detect scoliosis soon enough to treat it easily.
“Am I too old for Chiropractic to help me?”
–Of course not! Children, seniors and people of all ages can benefit from regular Chiropractic checkups. It’s never too early or too late to start Chiropractic care.
“Why are regular spinal adjustments important?”
-Discs act as “shock absorbers” to the spine when healthy. Permitting normal bending and turning. They need to be in proper alignment to last.